Kajakfahren am Mreznica Wasserfall
Ab von den Haupttouristenattraktionen, versteckt in einer ländlichen Gegend liegt der Fluß Mreznica.
50 Euro
Plitvice Jeep Safari
Sie werden von der Vielfalt der Naturwunder und der atemberaubenden Landschaft des Nationalparks begeistert sein.
150 Euro
Fahrradtour im Plitvice Valley
Abseits vom Verkehr können Sie Naturschönheiten genießen, vorbei an sanften Hügeln und Dörfern bis zu den Barac-Höhlen.
45 Euro
Top organization and a wonderful experience in the magnificent Mrežnica canyon! Eugen as a guide does a great job! Recommendations to everyone! We will definitely be back 🙂
Ante Šiljeg
We had an amazing day on the river! This tour was great, easy-going & relaxing but also had sprinkles of excitement like cliff jumping and waterfalls! I also happened to lose my cell phone during a jump (totally my fault) and Eugen was awesome enough to dive 7m down and get it for me! Highly recommend- this company cares about its customers.
Steph Dallocchio
We had an absolutely amazing time while kayaking in Mrežnica. Nature is beautiful and calming and the kayaking & swimming in Mrežnica is super fun. Our guide Eugen knows every corner of the river and is extremely funny so he made this whole trip as fun as it can be. We definitely recommend #plitviceoutdoor
Margareta Gardijan Kedžo
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